Transparent Sound New Music 2017
Can a bomb-attack take away someone’s appetite? Who is that Alex, after whose hand a band is named? Why do six European composers start to write music using sounds recorded by the prisoners of the Thiva women’s prison? How does a bass drum sound if one is drawing on it with bunch of pencils? What does a large group of people do, after they have made a meta-instru- ment by welding and binding together several oscillators? What can an ‘entertaining art-music’ be like composed by a Hungarian composer for an Austrian ensemble for a Soviet silent film from 1924? Why does an American ensemble assume the French name of an aurantioideae?
This year again we will get the answers from the New Music’s best interpreters and composers. They will arrive from different corners of the world, from Greece and Estonia, from the United States and Libanon. This year program of the festival will consist of several concerts, workshops for families and adults, lectures, exhibitions as well as films. In the Library of the Budapest Music Center one will find and have the opportunity to investigate the scores of the pieces performed during the festival.